Global India Dialogue
Talk by Dr. Gijsbert Oonk
India and Indian Diaspora in East Africa: Past Experiences and Future Challenges
In global India, Diaspora is a major visible Indian entity. When India is reorganizing its global engagement as an emergent power, its dialogue with Indian Diaspora is its major foreign policy strategy. However, since its Diaspora is diverse- old (which went as indentured workers and traders), new (as in the west), high skilled (as in Europe and North America) and low skilled (as in the Persian Gulf), the potential role of its Diaspora as a partner in engagement of India is diverse. Indian Diaspora in East Africa is largely a business community and is an old Diaspora in the region.
This Diaspora is African in its economic and political identity, through it still has cultural Indianness left. They are integrated African citizen, still they are like ‘heritage resources’ for the host and home countries. They are a ‘cultural capital’ in bilateral relations of India with East African countries. Though the experiences of Indian Diaspora and Indian policy in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania had been diverse, it is important to understand and asses their potential as a ‘heritage resource’ in bilateral relations of India and East African countries.
The Diaspora is a non-governmental resource and organizes itself as a civil society. This programme intends to engage Indian think tanks and civil society to make them aware of these emerging engagements and understand its impact on India and the host societies.
The speaker Dr. Gijsbert Oonk is a dedicated researcher in this area and his talk is on” India and Indian Diaspora in East Africa: Past Experiences and Future Challenges” will try to capture past experiences to draw the future trajectory of relations and the position and concerns of PIOs in the region.
The programme is scheduled on 2nd December 2015 from 10:30AM -12:30PM, at Conference Hall II, India International Centre, New Delhi
This interaction is a part of a series of international dialogue which Organization of Diaspora Initiatives ( ) is organizing to interact, analyze and understand the determinants, dimensions and impact of India’s global engagement on its foreign policies and on domestic developmental issues. The programme is being supported by Heinrich Boll Foundation, New Delhi.